7 Best Tips You can follow to write the best Thriller piece of all times

3 min readOct 7, 2021


In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of lovers of the thriller genre. Be it web series, a short film, or a novel; people are drawn to it. If you are looking for tips and tricks to start your script for a thriller piece, this is just the blog for you. This blog consists of a few bullet points you must keep in mind while writing your script to create the best thriller piece of all time.

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1. The bulk of Suspense and Surprises

To start with the most obvious of all, the number of suspense and surprises you add to your script only makes it better. This is what your audience is for, something unexpected, and you must serve it to them.

2. Emotions

You might not have realized it as a viewer, but emotions are the foundation of the thriller genre. Adding emotions like sadness, angst, irritability, etc., are a build-up for your next scene. These emotions can also be portrayed using physical traits, like the sweaty forehead or shaky hands for fear, raised eyebrows or clinching fists for anger, etc.

3. Protagonist

One of the most important genres to need a protagonist is a thriller. Having a protagonist makes it easier for the audience to hold a perspective and see the happenings from the protagonist’s perspective.

4. Make the audience think they know.

While writing your script, make your audience feel they know what is going to happen. By doing this, you make the audience feel they have control over the plot. Hence, the twist is a lot more surprising. You can understand this better with the help of the movie GET OUT. The audience feels the protagonist’s girlfriend is unknown to what intentions the family holds. It is not until later that we get to know she was a part of the demonic plan.

5. Change of emotion

Following the above point, a change of emotion is a cherry on the top of the plot. Following the example above, on discovering his girlfriend’s true intentions, the protagonist is scared of her and is full of hatred towards her instead of finding comfort in her. This change of emotion makes the viewers more involved in the story and sympathize with the protagonist.


THE LINE is what you ought not to forget while writing a thriller plot. A line like “ It was You.” “You made me do it”, or a catchy phrase associated with the plot of your script is what enhances it.

7. Finding a Good Scriptwriting Tool

Finding good Scriptwriting software can be a hassle. However, you can now enjoy an easy scriptwriting experience devoid of syntax or financial hassle only on StudioVity, a web, mobile-based, cross-platform screenwriting application. One of the most exciting features is screenplay breakdown which is popularly known as an index card, industry-standard format, and quick notes on the go. You can write your script by just adding a document. Its features let you break down your script automatically. You can add your cast and crew, call sheets, payment breakdown, standard report (PDF format), and shareable links to your production team. Some great articles and blogs about movies, production, script breakdown, and many more. Besides the app being really safe, importing and exporting files is much easier. You can also chat through the app and get recommendations and share ideas with others.

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